Statutární město Brno

Public Sector

Statutární město Brno

At first, the City of Brno and the Municipal Police used only a part of OKbase, i.e. Payroll and HCM. In 2003, after 10 years being fully satisfied, they decided to implement the complete HRIS software which included HCM, Payroll and Attendance. Currently, OKbase serves 2700 employees, of which 600 police officers are tasked with a special requirement to record and monitor shifts and short-term jobs.

Statutární město Brno

The City of Brno is a statutory city which consists of 29 city districts. The highest independent body (local government) is the city council, and the local councils in the city districts. The Brno City Municipality is headed by the mayor. The management is divided into five organizational units.

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